There are no escaping utility bills. You need electricity, water, cable, internet, and a phone. These costs can genuinely add up each month, but there are some things you can do to save on the costs. Every little bit helps. Follow these recommendations to start saving big on your monthly utility bills.
Use a Programmable Thermostat
As its name suggests, you can program a programmable thermostat at a specific temperature at particular times of the day. For example, set your thermostat to a lower temperature during the day when you’re at work or when you’re sleeping. Your house doesn’t need to be toasty warm during these times. Making simple adjustments like this can save you hundreds of dollars per year.
Get a Tankless Water Heater
The advantage to these tanks is that they don’t maintain continuously heated water. Instead, they’re able to heat the water when it’s needed. Tankless water heaters are approximately 30% more efficient than traditional ones and can save you quite a bit each year.
Lower Your Internet Speed
You may be using a high-speed internet package that you don’t need. Companies often promote their latest and fastest packages, while most families don’t need rapid rates. Try lowering your internet speed and see how much you save.
Clean Your Dryer Trap
It may come as a surprise that this simple task can make such a difference, but it does. Your dryer’s efficiency can be cut by up to 75% if the trap is clogged. After each use, be sure to clean it to save about $100 a year. Another trick is to buy dryer balls. These simple tools reduce static cling and cut drying time by up to 25%.
Clean Your Filters
You should clean the filters in your air conditioning and furnace units regularly. At least once a season is recommended. Failing to do so could lead to clogs, which can cause your unit to have to work harder and lose efficiency. If the filters become too dirty and clogged, it’s possible the unit could malfunction and break down.
Invest in Blackout Curtains
Blackout curtains help keep your home more efficient because they block extra sunlight from coming in and help keep drafts out. This simple trick keeps your air conditioning and heating units from working so hard. There’s no need to include these drapes in every house room. Just add them to the sunniest and most susceptible to drafts.
Final Thoughts
These are merely a handful of ways you can save money on your utility bills. Give them a try and see for yourself what a difference they can make. You may be surprised at how much you can save. Conserving energy is not only suitable for your bank account, but it’s also great for the environment. So, do your part and save some money too.
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